
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Office Remodel (Day 7-Blog Challenge)

I have been so excited to post my adorable office (at least I think its adorable).  I spend so much time in my home office not only working on  my computer for Bliss Studio but also for sewing projects.  I was disappointed in my organization of blending these two things together. First thing that happened upon moving to my new house is my office size went down DRASTICALLY. Ill admit I was super spoiled with the giant bonus room that we made my office. Yes. Spoiled. So when we moved I basically crammed as much of the furniture I had in my old office into the new one. No rhyme or reason. Just crammed it in...you know cause it almost all fit. Ha ha ha.  We moved in June which is not only hard enough and chaotic enough with kids, it was also moving into my busiest season of the year. Bad timing. So instead of making my happy place into a perfect one...I just delt with the chaos until I got through my busy season. By December I was really fed up with the disaster and needed a more permanent fix. Dan had time off after Christmas so we set out to fix the problem (as part of my Christmas present) so I could be happy with my office again. Im going to first post the before photos. Now keep in mind I made sure to take my before photos after I made my room as much of a disaster as I possibly could. You know. To make the after look even better :) ha ha. So Id say excuse the disaster but honestly it makes this post all that more fun. And to prove that I can make a beautiful room from a disaster. Decorating Rocks. So here is my fabulous before photos :

Pretty scary right? ha ha. It was seriously a disaster. So with a little help from these cutie pies....We worked on the first piece of furniture that was going to fix MOST of my problem. Plus its WAY CUTE!

Did you know ikea now sells book shelves in adorable colors? It used to be so boring...just black/brown, white or black. I was super excited to find the Mint! Perfect to add a little color in my office. Remember this is my creative space and I am all for color and splashes of creativity all over my room. It makes me happy!

Drumroll please.....

Here is my finished masterpiece:

A little door bling....For me its important the you are already giddy upon entering.

Cute Curtains with fabric tie backs. And of course the hand painted chandelier that we made for the kids playroom at our old house. It is perfect in my new office!

Sewing Center. I love looking at my fabulous Art while sewing. And Perfect Window light streaming in!

This is of course my favorite thing in the entire room. My organization. Finally. Something that works for both fabric and Bliss work. Its colorful and oh so pretty!

My Hubby installed lights so my top cubes all light up! Light makes every room Bliss. Also the colorful wall art is a drawing of my grandparents Route 66 Restaurant in California. Super special to me.

Giant Ball jars for my fabric scraps. One for lights and one for darks. And smaller ones for my button stash. LOVE.

Each bin is decorating with a Bloom Ornament I snagged from the studio! Gives each bin a little pop of color and shape!

Love being able to display my books and pretty fabric. Its not only something I use it doubles as cute decor.

And lastly my computer work space. This needed a little color splash too. So Dan ordered a piece of plexi glass that we laid over my desk after putting some pretty yellow patterned paper and a couple photos underneath. The best part? I can change this up as I get bored of it. I also love the hanging line. It keeps ideas Im working on as well as client information that I need at my fingertips. Plus it doubles at cute decor of course.

Thanks to my hubby for helping make my room so perfect. And to my mom for helping organize and decorate it while you were here! It really is my sanctuary and so full of inspiration that I enjoy the time I spend in my office. If you guys have a space that you spend a lot of time in, I encourage you to make it your Bliss. And if you want help...Im here :) Like I said. Decorating ROCKS!

What do you guys think? Love it? ~Whitney

Scrappy Quilt (Day 8-Blog Challenge)

Project Life-(blog challenge Day 6)

Project Life-(blog challenge Day 6)