
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Stitch Fix Box #?

Ive lost count! Do you remember all the stitch fix posts? Well....I thought I was annoying so I haven't really been posting them. But...I still get boxes!  I get them about every quarter. I have changed a few though to "save money" depending on what I keep in a box. I can't afford a box a month unless I only kept like one item. However I tend to like most items in my box and love the discount if you keep it all.  When I get the notification my box shipped I always cheat and go see what was shipped. I tell myself I won't look as I want it to be a surprise but I always look. LOL. There are no photos on the shopping cart I peek at but it does list the names of the items. So I know if its pants, shirts, dress etc. Funny enough the cheat does not always help. For example this one said a clutch was included. Uh. Thats a no, I thought as I read it. What the heck am I going to do with a clutch. Poop.  This happens EVERY SINGLE TIME I CHEAT. You would think I would learn my lesson. The box arrives. Guess what my favorite item...cant send back no matter how impractical it is....item was? The Clutch. Ugh. I love the box/packaging so we start there....(Lily is usually more excited than me to open my box and try it all on...yes SHE tries it all on. So I have to sneak when opening if I want to enjoy myself).

If any of you have not tried this before.....You fill out a form with info about your likes/dislikes/size and such and you get paired up with a stylist. That stylist send you the five items they think you will love best.  You give input and also pin to a pinterest board if you have one to "help" them in choosing.  You can also say stuff like, "I need a dress for my anniversary dinner" or "I'm going on vacation and need some beach wear." etc. They also have added maternity and can work around post pregnancy weight and such (I got lots of skirts, flowy shirts and skirts post prego. No pants).

Here is my loot:


I thought I had a pic of me modeling....but I must have deleted (this is what happens when Im behind on my blog posts. Oops).  Out of this bunch I kept three things. The chevron brown/orange maxi skirt (second in from left), White crotched tank AND that clutch. Which deserves its own feature. Its a royal blue and the inside sold it....LOVE the fun pattern.

If you want to give Stitch Fix a try use my referral (I get a small credit so you are supporting my habit. Win/win right?).  Its only $20. And if you keep at least one item they apply the $20.00 to that item. Or if you really don't like anything its only $20.00 so not too bad to give it a try. I have got more than a handful of boxes and I have kept something all but one time. And several of the boxes I kept everything. This is a great thing for those who love surprises in the mail, don't love shopping for clothes and want someone else to "style you".

Click HERE to give it a whirl.

And if you do try it....please share! I would love to see what you get in your box!


PS....The link in the right hand column also works! (the photo with the box/clothes)

Grandma & Grandpa Harlacher Visit

Fairy Garden