
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Sewing. Sewing. Sewing.

My favorite thing to do in my "free time". Okay who really has free time? I have taken over our formal dinning table with all my sewing and honestly I sit 5-10 minutes at a time working on stuff. I like small projects such as these baskets which literally take ONE hour! (and are seriously cute!). Β I get a quick feeling of accomplishment and I get to be creative outside of photography. Its a win/win for me. Β This is a catchup post with all the little projects I have been working on over the last few months. One of the things I love about sewing is that Lily loves it too! She likes to play with me and also pick out pretty fabrics. She loves it when I make her things. Makes it all worth it. So when Lennox naps we will have mommy/daughter time sewing. And seriously...is this not a mini me? Especially with those glasses! ha ha ha ha

So here is the fun projects I have been working on:

Ipad Mini Padded cover (one for me and I made one for a gift! LOVE THEM)

These cute baskets were next. Alice & Wonderland for Lily's Legos and the playful one for my sewing projects. LOVE making these.

Mini Elephants. These were made for Lily's bday and taken to her class. 40 Elephants. Yes...call me crazy. But Lily was SO HAPPY! And loved passing them out to her friends.

Pin Cushions. Best use of little scraps ever. And now I might be slightly obsessed. Gotta have more.

And lastly (for now)....Coffee Cozy's. Working on a big promo for September #shareacozy so been working on these...Every.single.day. Need a million and one ready to go by Sept 1st!


Still have a few more sewing (at least) posts coming soon. Quilting update and a fun swap I participated in. Stay tuned.


Camping at the Harlachers

Grandma & Grandpa Harlacher Visit