
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Some Days, Avoidance is the answer.

I saw this little meme on Facebook today and could not stop laughing.


Can anyone else relate? I know at least a few of my friends would feel similar. I also know Dan thinks this is pretty spot on for us! LOL.  He will say "Breathe" it will be just fine. And it usually is. But some days....it does seem overwhelming and I will get to the point of not wanting to do anything. (well except lay down and watch Netflix. ha).  Its really just balance. It is not possible to be crazy busy all the time without taking a timeout. And honestly, it should be guilt free. So....When Im sitting down tonight watching the second episode of the bachelorette this week ( a two day marathon....cant be missed), I shall feel no guilt. It will be fun to watch the unreleastic, reality TV in hopes that JoJo really does find the diamond in the ruff. Cause these dudes are CRAZY this time. Somewhere in the drama...there has to be a keeper. Time will tell.

The 5000 things on my list? They will still be there tomorrow. No since worrying about it today!



Mini Family Vacation