
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Beach Trip

Beach Trip

As promised I wanted to follow up to my Light Seeking post with some images from our family beach trip. While the weather was the usual Oregon Coast (rainy and windy) we had one day that was pure Bliss. The wind was calm and the sun was shinning!  We quickly through together outfits for the kids. I have to tell you, there was no planned photo session. No one had "photo attire". So when I say we threw together clothes....we literally made it work.  I'm fairly sure with the amount of crap we packed into the car we could have been moving to the coast. Our SUV was jam packed (to the brim). But would you believe that I forgot pants for Lennox? Yup...thats right. He had zero pants. (mother of the year here). So trying to get a photo outfit for him had me in a panic. He "might" be wearing Lily's jeans (shhh). And somehow all 4 kids matched and looked adorable. Sometimes the best shoots are when you make it work. 

From our little impromptu session I took soooo many photos. I tried to capture the experience as much as I did getting posed photos. What is the Beach all about? What is it the kids love about the beach? Approaching the session with a documentary style resulted in fun little details that shared the experience perfectly. 

As you probably saw in the previous post the house we stayed at was the perfect place to begin the session. I took full advantage of the window light streaming in on the staircase. 

Then we headed down to the beach!  It was a short walk from the house and again...it was a perfect no-wind miracle of a day (I think the weather gods knew I needed to get a couple of photos right?)

The Best way to get kids to cooperate is a promise of a silly shot!  This is always their favorite photo!

My son and husband were KILLING me with their cuteness. I might have teared up a bit (shh). Its not very often that these little moments happen and I was eagerly snapping them up. 

Lennox was LOVING the beach and giving me a perfect subject to chase around. 


All in all it was an awesome adventure and I am so thankful we were able to spend some time at the beach!  If you take a trip to the coast make sure to take lots of photos! Capture those experiences not just the posed pics!  

Creative outlet

Creative outlet

Light Seeking

Light Seeking