
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Creative outlet

Creative outlet

There are times when I need a creative outlet that is not my job. That sounds funny even as I type it but its totally true. I live creativity. This is of course through photography, but also in so many other ways. I love to decorate my house, sew both clothes and quilts (and anything else that looks fun), I love to bake and craft with my kids. Photography is of course creative both behind the camera and in post but I spend most of my time in front of the computer these days. So I find these other creative outlets to get me away from the computer but still channeling my inner creativeness. 

Most of you already know or have read on my blog that I co-own Three Dandelions which is an Etsy shop that my friend, Samantha and I started a long time ago. It started out with little items we made (mostly kid/baby) and we have now expanded into a mini fabric shop. This lets us sell fabric but also gives us lots of fabric to use for projects for our own kids and of course to sell. 

In spring, we both start itching to make some dresses. Lily of course does not understand that just because we see a little sun that it is not warm out. She ONLY wants to wear dresses. She goes through my fabric and selects what she wants and tells me what kind of dress she wants. (I may have created a monster! ha).  It is kind of adorable I suppose. We also take on custom orders as friends and customers see fabrics that they fall in love with (or dresses we have posted) and place orders. This past week we completed two custom dresses that we are in LOVE with so I wanted to share!  

The first is Lily's planet maxi dress! It is for her space themed birthday party and completely her request!  She has been hugging it and telling me how much she loves it (Yes, this makes it soooo worth it). I will take photos of her wearing it soon but here is the dress all finished.

Next up we made an Alice & Wonderland themed dress for a little girl who's name is Alice. Too perfect right? We are both soooo in love with this dress. Lily is already requesting hers. Ha!

Adorable right?  If anyone wants to order a custom dress (or two!) Let us know! These can also make awesome gifts. All orders take 2-3 weeks so plan accordingly. If you are on a deadline you are more than welcome to check in with us. Be sure to visit our Etsy shop to see some in stock dresses or you can also browse fabric selection!  

Three Dandelions


New Camera Test

New Camera Test

Beach Trip

Beach Trip