
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Friends again...

As promised...The Sanow Twins and Lily really ARE friends! ha ha. Samantha and I have been doing our best to get a playdate in about once a week so now Lily is actually squealing when they visit. See Lily...They are fun! ha! For this playdate we actually headed to the Childrens' Museum. What a FUN place! I cant wait for Lily to be just a touch older so she can fully enjoy what the museum has to offer. I wish I was a kid so I could play! Hmm....Maybe no one would notice! There is one room for the littles that we took the girls in. Lily enjoyed playing in a water fountain (with a teeny bit of water that runs down) and then also in the fish pond. And at the end we managed to find a GIANT Lite-brite! Oh I wish I was a kid again....


Bath Time...

Friends or Enemies?