
My Bliss.

Welcome to my blog. Finding balance between  photography, family and everything in between. 

Riding A Roller Coaster Blindfolded

Riding A Roller Coaster Blindfolded

When Life gives you lemons.

Make Lemonade. Or something like that.

#quarantined - Chapter One

*note if you are offended by foul language. PLEASE DON’T READ THIS :)

We are all feeling all the feels. And I mean ALL OF THEM. Sometimes its good and sometimes its a hot mess of a tangled web that we can’t free ourselves from. Sometimes its full of highs, hugs and happiness and sometimes its full of lows, loneliness and loathing. I am not a fan of roller coasters in the first place as they make me toss my cookies and put a big knot in my stomach. So riding a real life one, blindfolded into unknown territory is hard to swallow. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. I am 100% in a position to be thankful. We still have our jobs, we are all healthy, we have pets to keep us company and we basically live at our own personal park. Our kids are handling it better than us…and this is one of those times I am so incredibly thankful we have two kids who can keep each other company. 

Then there is the other side of me. The one that hurts for those that are not so lucky. Those that lost their jobs. Small business owners that are struggling to do everything they can to stay afloat. Those that have or know someone that has the virus and is struggling. The sadness that makes so much of this a reality…the closures of schools, parks, etc. Walking down an aisle at the grocery store and seeing it completely empty. Sleepless nights as I lay awake and worry about the unknown. We have worked so hard to find our work/life/family balance and now we are back to square one trying to find it again.

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”
— William James

You may be reading this saying, Preach it Sister. Or you may be reading this and have a completely different experience with it all, and that’s okay. For me? I just want off this fucking roller coaster. I want the virus to vacate the premises stat. I want all the feels to calm down and for the news to start getting better rather than worse.  I want to see that we are all making a difference and that this is all worth it. I want to feel like I am not failing my kids as I work through a balance on our daily activities. I want patience. LOTS AND LOTS of patience so I can maintain my sanity.

Finding a new norm in this alternate reality we are all living is not easy. With no real end in sight it makes it feel even more surreal. How do we take our anxiety and worry and turn in into something positive? How do we make peace with everything and just realize we are doing our best under the circumstances?

I know, its one day at a time. As a planner and someone who doesn’t like to live in an unknown future its a daily reminder for me to take it ONE DAY AT A TIME. In the really big scheme of things its a short feat and we will move forward. But in the interim it just SUCKS. And when my youngest has a meltdown all I can think is, I feel ya kid. We all wish we could just have a mini meltdown and then snap out of it.

We are in this together, even from afar. We are ALL doing our best for ourselves and our families. Remember to call a friend if you are in need of one. Remember to hug your family EVERY DAY. Remember to take time for yourself NO MATTER WHAT (even if you only have 15 minutes). And when all else fails, kick off your shoes (ahem slippers), pour yourself a glass of wine and turn on some netflix. Tomorrow is another day.

From a Hugger…I send everyone a <Virtual HUG>.
Thank you for taking time to read this, It was a long one!


Until Next Time,


Maintaining Sanity

Maintaining Sanity

Lighting Workshop

Lighting Workshop